Recognising your Greatest Asset: You

Want to make 2020 your year? The year you reach great heights? Key to reaching those dizzying heights is recognising that you are one of your greatest assets.


Being self-aware and knowing your worth is crucial to positioning yourself for business and personal success and a more fulfilled life. Self-awareness helps identify any limiting patterns you may have picked up, such as downplaying your successes and positive attributes (whether they be professional or personal)) and undervaluing your worth.

Here are some tips on how to better position yourself for success through self-awareness.

Your time is valuable

“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”

This quote, from psychiatrist and best-selling author M. Scott Peck, perfectly summarises the intrinsic link between the value we place on ourselves and our time.

Whether it’s that quick phone call that has you on the line for most of the morning or that informal coffee date which becomes an hour long meeting, your time can be chewed up before you realise it.

It can be challenging to say no to requests for your time; extra projects at work, social clubs or perhaps to offer free advice. These opportunities can be valuable and for worthy causes, and if you can fit them in, they can benefit both yourself and the participant.

However while you can’t put a price on every minute you spend, be conscious of how you’re spending your time. Could it be better spent? The answer to this comes down to your values.

Be clear about your values

Knowing what to spend your time on and how often is largely influenced by your values. You might be community-minded, which is why you regularly volunteer. If family is of prime importance to you, you’ll prioritise spending time with loved ones. Or perhaps now your focus is advancing your career. There’s no right or wrong way to spend time, but it should reflect your values.

You may already be living your life according to your values, alternatively, you may be unsure of exactly what they are. There are many online resources which can help you identify your core values; alternatively you can reach out to a life coach.

Recognising your achievements

Think back to when you last updated your CV, your bio page on your website or your LinkedIn profile. Were you able to proudly identify and reel off your accomplishments? Perhaps you struggled to articulate what you had achieved or felt self-conscious that doing so would come across as boasting.

These achievements have got you to where you are. Whether they are professional accreditations, recognitions or your work history, it’s safe to say you have worked hard to build up these accomplishments so keep track of them and don’t be afraid to share them with your networks.

The power of networking

Speaking of your networks, if you struggle to own your achievements, you’re probably less likely to put yourself out there and network. One of the most powerful platforms for networking is LinkedIn.– As of early last year, 590 million people used this professional networking community. It was also reported that the median number of connections was between 500 and 999 – a significant number of people to be linked to.i

Attending conferences and events and making an effort to talk with other attendees is also still a common way to build your network.

By not understanding your worth, you’re less likely to put yourself forward and be seen, and these lost opportunities can limit your professional development and your career.

Being self-aware

As well as self-reflection, it’s helpful to ask for feedback from others. In a professional capacity, this may be from a colleague, manager or client. Personally, you might turn to a coach, mentor, partner or friend.

You might be made aware of strengths you have that you hadn’t previously been aware of. Understanding these strengths can bolster your worth and give you a new perspective to what you have to offer.

Be open to what you will hear. There will be things you can improve on, so use this as an opportunity for growth.

Self reflection can be uncomfortable, but developing an awareness of your values and recognising and appreciating your unique strengths can be a fantastic way to set yourself up for success in the coming year.


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